Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Kitty Time.

blazer: jc penny, shirt: f21, belt: thrifted, jeans: levi's, boots: anthro
sweater: thrifted, blouse: macy's, jeans: ross, boots: franco sarto

This week we discovered the most amazing thing. Probably the most useful app money can buy.



Sunday, November 27, 2011


We're baaaaaaaack!!
We just got back from a wonderful Thanksgiving trip to California where we ate more than our bodies ever wanted to handle. Is that a crime? No. No it's not.

So we ate.
We hung out with family.
We had food comas.
We gave thanks.
Then we took part in some gratuitous American consumerism in the form of Black Friday.

If that's not enough, we documented our journey through Instagram.
Northern Californiaaaaaaa, here we cooooooooooooooome.
Pretty Sunsets and Dirty Windows

Maybe we stopped at a random house with pretty christmas lights in the middle of the night and took pics. Maybe we didn't.
Maybe we took lots of pics. So many colors! So intense!
Feeling so alive!
Snow. Why are you so beautiful and disgusting at the same time?
We seriously can't stop looking at this. So cute. We die.
Mad's beautiful pregnant sister! 
Okay, we love Bass shoes. There, we said it.

Special shoutout to some really awesome guys who make us delicious breakfast sometimes. They know the way to our hearts.
The true meaning of Christmas: Snookie and The Situation ornaments

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

We Likey Wednesday

First and foremost:
Happy Thanksgiving (tomorrow)! We hope everyone has a wonderful day and shoves their faces with immense amounts of delicious food. That's what we'll be doing.

Girl Crush: Julia Garner
We guess she's alright, if you're into that whole gorgeous-adorable-perfect-hair-type thing.
Also, be sure to look for her in The Perks of Being a Wallflower. We definitely will be!

Boy Crush: Michael Trevino
We know we have featured VD guys before, but can you blame us?
We think not. Just look at him. 

Flava of the Week:  Thanksgiving (duh.)
Turkey, stuffing, gravy, casseroles, and pies galore. Need we say more? 

We Want: Bass Shoes
No, not this bass (unless he's into it...?) but this one. Both of us recently bought a pair and we are in love. Preppy, cute, and comfortable. Check, check, and check.

Tunes: Tallest Man On Earth, "Like the Wheel"
It's about to get all sentimental up in here. 

Funnies: Handsome Men's Club
In the spirit of the recent "Sexiest Man Alive" debut, we figure this is pretty fitting. And hot. 


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Insta-Week: Campus-Palooza

Hey guys, guess what? It's almost Thanksgiving!
Because of this, we are at our respective homes for the week.
Since blogging apart is kind of difficult for us, we decided this is a perfect time to utilize something we're pretty thankful for (as well as the rest of the blogging community):
We don't know why making fake vintage photos is so satisfying, but it just is.

So when you're on campus, and you get crazy and start running around a grassy hill, Instagram is there to capture the moment.
Why we do things like that, we're still not sure.
More scenes of campus that day: 
hey, nice boots.
Taking pictures of boy taking pictures of berries.
Then we took pictures of the berries.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Partyin' Partyin' Yeah

top: banana republic, jeans: ross, socks: target, shoes: seychelles, glasses: uo, beanie: hm
shirt/sweater: f21, jeans: levi's, boots: thrifted, necklace: ae
Happy Friday, everybody!
 We can't stay long because we're about to leave to go to a hardcore rager.
Just kidding.
Actually, Madison was invited to a work party tonight where you're supposed to bring your spouse/significant other. 
So naturally we're going together.
That's how you know you're best friends.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

We Likey Wednesday

Girl Crush: Jamie Beck
We've never used another blogger as our Girl Crush, but we just had to this time. Jamie is the brains behind these cinemagraphs you've been seeing around the internet:
But not only is she a super talented photographer, she's ridiculously gorgeous and always so well-dressed. Check out her blog here.

Boy Crush: Andrew Garfield
 And he has a British accent.
That pretty much seals the deal.

Flava of the Week: Pizza Pie Cafe
Have you ever wanted to OD on pizza?
If you're like us, the answer is yes. Always yes.
At Pizza Pie, you pay a small amount for endless pizza, dessert pizza, pasta, and salad. Aww yeah.

We Want: Cloches
A cloche is a perfect winter hat. Especially if you want to get all 1930's British girl up in there.

Tunes: First Aid Kit, "Waltz For Richard"

Folky, Talented Sisters. Just like us. 

Just kidding.

Funnies: Tairy Greene's Acting Seminar for Children

Moral of the story: Don't let Zach Galifianakis near your kids.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011


sweater: f21, dress: nordstrom, tights: ross, shoes: shoe carnival, bag: uo, glasses: ray bans
top: f21, sweater: hm, jeans/bag: ross, shoes: born via nordstrom, glasses: uo
Shortly after these pictures were taken, we started walking to class.
As we were trudging along, Madison says, "Let's just ditch class and go get lunch"
All of the sudden strange feelings of empowerment came over us and we found ourselves in the middle of a very strange stick-it-to-the-man moment.
We literally started running back to our apartment screaming things like, "Screw class!" and "Take that, World!" and "I feel so alive!".

So we went to Pizza Pie Cafe and stuffed our faces with lots and lots (and lots) of pizza. 

And we're not even apologizing for it.


Monday, November 14, 2011

Adventures in Vlogging

We didn't have much to blog about today. 
So, we thought we would surprise you with a cute little video expressing all of our hopes and dreams. You know, help you guys get to know us a little bit better. We soon realized we are physically incapable of being normal. The following is the result. Be prepared to see us be really hideous attractive.
The first attempts:

(excuse the fact that Lauren sounds like Fran Drescher. Or a pubescent 12-year-old boy. She lost her voice.)

Well that was fun. The videos soon regressed into this:
we were blissfully unaware our faces could look like that
blair witch project, part deux
the black hole of friendship
some may ask, why? we say, why not?

us, and us, and more us
precious moments
Then maybe we just started taking videos of us lip-synching stupid youtube videos.

We're starting to think posting these was a bad idea...
We probably won't try vlogging anymore.


Friday, November 11, 2011


top: free people, balero: anthro, jeans: ross, boots: franco sarto, glasses: uo, bag: ross
top: ae, sweater: delia's, skirt: hand-made by lauren, necklace: nordstrom, boots: miz mooz
Now that it get's dark earlier we never have time to take real outfit pictures by the time we both get back from school.
So we came up with the novel idea of taking pictures while ON campus. 
Which means instagram will have to suffice for those instances.
But look, Mom. We actually go to class.
Also, coming out of class today, we ran into a fellow BYU blogger, Noah.
Noah is a gentleman and a scholar. He runs a blog called Systematic Departure from Normality where he documents great style seen around BYU campus. Think Sartorialist, Provo edition. 
We love what he's doing. Utah gets a pretty bad rap in terms of fashion and he's taking time to prove that there ARE people around here that care about fashion.
We were lucky enough to be featured on his blog today, so check it out!


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

We Likey Wednesday

Girl Crush: Frida Gustavsson
There's something in the water in Sweden that makes every girl a perfectly doe-eyed, 6-foot tall  model. And Frida Gustavsson is no exception. 
Talk about gorgeous?

Boy Crush: Mr. Rochester {from Jane Eyre}
Yes, we know he's a fictional character. 
But really:

Enough said.

Flava of the Week: The Awful Waffle

Don't let the name Awful Waffle fool you. Unless "awful" is another word for ridiculously delicious and awesome. This place is kind of a Provo landmark that serves waffles and crepes and it's located literally just around the corner from our apartment, yet last night was our first time eating there. It doesn't really make any sense, we know.
Needless to say, it was delicious. 
Right, Maddie?

We Want: Collars
Who needs the rest of the shirt when the collar is so cute by itself?

Tunes: "Gold in the Air of Summer" Kings of Convenience
Ok. We miss Summer. There, we said it.

Funnies: Josh Groban sings Kanye West Tweets
We don't know which is the true form of art. Josh Groban's voice, or Kanye West's inspiring words.


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