Wednesday, December 7, 2011

We Likey Wednesday

Girl Crush: Felicity Jones
She can rock the dark brown hair and bangs thing and isn't even Zooey Deschanel. 
And she's gonna be in Like Crazy. Which we want to see, like crazy.

Boy Crush: Matthew Gray Gubler
You know Joseph Gordon Leavitt's nerdy friend in 500 Days of Summer?
Well apparently he's hot now. And we're not complaining.

Flava of the Week: Fried Apple Rings
Sometimes, when you come home from Thanksgiving break, you realize you don't have any food. So instead of eating, you just look at Pinterest all day. And think about making recipes with the food you don't have. Like these fried apple rings. mmm.

We Want: Tweed Blazers
Stylish alternative to the classic winter coat. We want.

Tunes: Polaroid by the Sugarplum Fairies

Polaroid by Sugarplum Fairies on Grooveshark
 Sometimes we make emo playlists for ourselves, just because. You know you do it too.

Funnies: Kristen Stewart Teaches Public Speaking

Um, we like, thought this was funny? 

Thanks K-Stew!



  1. I like the Kristen Stewart video too. That girl has her down! It took me a whole minute to realize that wasn't really her. Please don't judge me. The apple rings look delicious!


  2. are you talking to an invisible bug? 'cause you are.

    I stalk. it's fine. you girls are hilarious.

  3. i had no idea who felicity jones was until you mentioned "like crazy". she is just SO darling. can't wait to see that movie!
    oh, and those apple rings? DELICIOUS!
    xo TJ

  4. I have been looking for the perfect tweed blazer as well! Thrift stores are full of them, but they are always a few sizes too big/have built-in shoulder pads...the search continues.

  5. The video was hilarious, and true. I am addicted to looking at food on Pintrest. I swear, one day Iw ill actually make some of that stuff.

  6. I have had a crush on Matthew Gray Gubler since forever, I would marry the character he plays on criminal minds :)

  7. Just found your blog a couple weeks ago, and I relaized that similar to your blog, we have a section called "cutie patootie of the week". And we totally picked Matthew Gray Gubler as our cutie patootie of the week last month!

  8. Love Felicity Jones & Matthew Gray Gubler... and I love that k-stew video. I def lol'd.

  9. I want those apple rings, and Felicity Jones' haircut! x

  10. That was hilarious. And the blunt bangs with the dark hair is amazing. I can't really pull that off.

    If Work Permits

  11. That K stew video had me laughing soooo hard!

  12. That video is too good.
    And so are tweed jackets.

  13. I love tweed jackets. I'm on the search for one.

    And that video is too good. Hilarious.

  14. felicity jones is SUCH a hottie. love her.

  15. Thanks for that video, sooo funny!

    Ive just linked it :

  16. Ah! That video is great! Lol. :)


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