Sunday, October 16, 2011

Rare Books

This weekend we found the coolest rare bookstore in Salt Lake. The bookstore itself was in this really old brick building and was so visually interesting we had to take some pictures. All while getting enlightened by the great philosophers of centuries past and finding some really old editions of our favorite books. Find out more here.

shirt: f21, sweater/ring: thrifted, pants: jcrew, shoes: soda
top: anthro, jeans: ross, shoes: dsw, purse: tjmaxx, scarf: thrifted
Chelsea's outfit was too cute not to give you the details.
dress: gift, sweater: anthro, boots: target, belt: thrifted


  1. I love book stores like this! I could spend hours in there. And all of the outfits are so cute! I especially love all of your shoes.

    If Work Permits

  2. ha, book stores are the best! i'll let you in on a little secret though...i used to have a massive fear of librarians. so bad in fact that when i got to college, our english class was required to take a field trip together, and i burst into tears when the librarian started walking towards us. needless to say...embarrassing. curse you "are you afraid of the dark" for putting such outlandish fears into my mind.
    oh, and your outfits are amazing. duh!
    xo TJ

  3. Oh my! I'm sorry but this really made me laugh, Mr Taylor and His lady. I know where your coming from, I blame that show for half my nightmares. Haha

    You ladies are always so beautiful, you inspire me to read, I almost did, almost but facebook took up my free time today. I love the outfits and pictures.


  4. Oh I love all of your outfits, fun photos of the bookstore. I really need to start reading again...

    xo erica

  5. You girls are seriously the coolest. I vote we plan more DI run-ins!


Reading your comments is like finding 5 dollars in my pocket. You guys are the best.

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