Tuesday, October 11, 2011

We Likey Wednesday

Girl Crush: Jamie Chung

A few months back, we had the brilliant idea of watching Sucker Punch at the movie theater.
It was a weird movie and we were the only girls in the whole theater, but we did discover the adorable Jamie Chung (Amber in the movie).
Also, we spent the rest of the evening practicing ninja moves and calling each other names like "Rocket" and "Sweet Pea".

Boy Crush: Jason Schwartzman
images {via}
Jason Schwartzman lights up our lives.
Like, in a young, more attractive Steve Carell sort of way.
AND he's a musician.
aww yeah.

Flava of the Week: Hot Chocolate

Ok, this one's an obvious. But when cold weather rolls around, we need our hot chocolate fix.
And maybe we spent a good ten minutes just now looking at pictures of hot chocolate on Pinterest.
Sweet, sweet nectar.

We Want: Leather Gloves
Never underestimate the power of a good pair of leather gloves in Utah weather.
We know it's hard to let go of those those one dollar knit "Magic Gloves" from the grocery store,
but this investment will be worth it.

Tunes: Frightened Rabbit, "Swim Until You Can't See Land"
 These sexy Scottish men make some sexy Scottish tunes. We like.

Funnies: Hyperbole and a Half
Because you might be all Youtubed out, or that karaoke video was too much to handle we're gonna show you one of the funniest blogs we've ever encountered.
Who would have thought you could relate to a weird looking cartoon character so much?
Also, be sure to check out all the "Best of's" on the side of the page!



  1. I have looked for a good pair of leather gloves for years and can't ever find any. :P love all of these!

    P.s. Be sure to enter the giveaway going on over at my blog! :)

  2. ahh, LOVE hot chocolate! totally remember jamie chung from the princess protection program. oh disney and selena gomez, haha!
    xo TJ

  3. Oh my gosh, hyperbole and a half is the BEST!! My favorite is "The Party". Moulm I coun do it! I carn go to the parpy! Hahaha! If you haven't read it...your laughing box is missing out :) LOVElove lurrrv your blog :))

  4. don't be jel, but my grandma gave me the most chic pair of burgandy leather gloves. hmmmm i seriously love themmm

  5. I love Hyperbole and a Half!!! So hilarious and the pics are awesome :) Did you guys see Schartzman in Shopgirl?! So awkward cute...

  6. your outfits in the last post are adorable!
    and jamie chung is gorgeous!!!

    and leather gloves just make everything look so put together. I'd wear them if I had the weather for it.

    cute blog ladies.

  7. I'm a new follower! I found you through Mr. Taylor and his lady, loving it!

  8. Lauren likey this post.

    And those bow gloves!

  9. Those are way cute leather gloves. And mmmmmmmmmm hot chocolate (:


    don't forget to enter my giveawayyy!

  10. Gloves with bows are so brilliant --now if the weather will only change =)

  11. I love Jason Schwartzman, too! If you like Hyperbole and a Half, you would like The Oatmeal. HIL-arious.

  12. ummm. those gloves are flipping amazing.... i love the feminine detailing of the bows.. reminds me of Mad Men and the '60's where women wore driving gloves. so glam

  13. I love the leather gloves you picked out! Where is the first pair from?



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