Friday, December 16, 2011

Guest Post: XOXO Rachel Sayumi

Alrighty guys, it's time! Here is one of our lovely friends Rachel. She is as cute as a button, funny, and so sweet! Sounds too good to be true? Take a gander below at her awesome post!

What's up,readers of Awkward Girls!?
My name is Rachel,and I blog over at xoxo Rachel Sayumi.
Before I start,I just want to thank Lauren and Madison for having me over here! I know them personally,and I can testify that they are super duper sweet and stylish ladies. Love you both!
As Christmas approaches,the holiday spirit really comes to life.
And as our holiday spirit rises,well... We like to party.
So. I'm inviting you.
I've always been a HUGE huge hugee fan of UGLY SWEATERS. Seriously. They're hilarious. Unique. Old. And just so much fun. They don't even have to be holiday sweaters (just add a Santa hat!). There's really not a lot of occassions you can wear ugly sweaters to,so I like to take advantage of every opportunity I get to wear a fun sweater! You can find them in pretty much ANY thrift store... Or,if you're suuuuper lucky like me,maybe your grandma will give you one.
Yes. I even wear my grandma's eagle sweater outside of holiday parties.
Best sweater gets a prize!
A little Buble n' Bieber?
Oh,come on.
Why wouldn't we!?
*White elephant gift exchange. No questions! I LOVE seeing the crazy gifts people bring! Last year at a holiday party,I gave away a couple cans of soup (poor college kids we are...). In return,I got a flamingo lawn ornament. It was pretty awesome.
*If you really wanna get crazy,you can participate in a round of NOG PONG! Again,at a party last year,my roommate and I participated in a game of nog pong. Let's say we both had to drink a lot of egg nog. It was so much fun.
That is us. Winning the game (in a wolf sweater...).
I watch it every year. Never gets old. Always keeps me laughin!
Last but not least,the party essential: da grub. Great food=great party,in my opinion!! I love snacking on anything,especially around Christmas time when people really get creative and make some awesome goodies. I'm all over EASY but yummy treats. Nowadays with Pinterest,you can find amazing and easy holiday treat ideas!
Of course,sometimes,it's not as easy as it looks...
uhhhh. This is awkward.
All joking aside *cough* here are a few I have tried/have YET to try!
White chocolate-dipped pretzels sprinkled with crushed candy cane.
Easy. Yummy. Christmasy.
Chocolate-covered Oreo's on a stick. HOW GENIUS IS THIS!? I can't wait to try these out...
And how bout a little do-it-yourself Christmas cookie decorating?
And of course,although all the holiday shinannigans are absolutely wonderful,let's not forget the reason for the season:
The birth of our Savior,Jesus Christ.
I am so grateful for the miracle of Christmas,and for a God in Heaven who loves us and watches over us!
I hope that as Christmas approaches,we forget not why we are celebrating December 25th.
Never forget the important people in your life. Be charitable to those in need,serve and love one another!
This truly IS the most wonderful time of the year!
Merry Christmas,everyone!
Rachel Sayumi.

Wouldn't you want an invite to her party? We sure would. 
If you like what you see/ love her now just as much as we do, go to her blog and check her out!

P.S. Did anyone else die at the cookie part? Perfect. We couldn't stop laughing. It describes our whole baking experience in a nutshell. 



  1. haha i love this girl, and i can atest that those pretzels were divine! i was lucky enough to get some. oh, and rachel sayumi best chef 2011? i think so.

  2. lovely list. those chocolate covered oreos look awesome!!!

  3. You girls are the sweetest. Love you both. Thanks for having me!!(:

  4. i love rachel's facial expressions in the winning the game pic!

  5. Lol...too fun! I would go to her party too!

  6. I really liked this guest-post! Amazing. :)
    Love all the cookies and sweets :P


  7. all i have to say is, ugly sweaters are a must!!
    xo TJ


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