Thursday, January 12, 2012

Question Time

top: anthro, sweater: f21, pants: levi's, shoes: bass, glasses: modo
top: gap, sweater: delias, jeans: f21, boots/beanie: anthro, scarf: thrifted
(We like to call this one "The Rockabilly and the French Art Student")

Hello lovelies! We have an exciting proposition for you all today.
 We've picked up a few new followers in the past couple of days, and we're always getting asked questions through emails, comments, etc. We do our best, but we're not awesome at answering them. So we had this crazy idea.

Remember that time we tried to vlog? Well that didn't work out so well. But if at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again. We were thinking you guys could ask us any question your little heart desires, and we'll try to answer them via vlog. It can be about anything; Blogging, fashion, our lives, your lives, kitties, reeses pieces, gucci, Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakuel... you know, ANYTHING!

Leave your question in a comment, 
or send us an email at,
or tweet us @awkgirls!
This is gonna be goooooood.



  1. Fun! I have a few,

    What is one clothing item you own that you feel like you wear the most?
    Why do you like it so much?

    Favorite make-up brand/product/item? (Shadow, eyeliner, chapstick, whatever)

    Favorite store? (not a thrift store, preferably)

    Recent awkward moment? (it IS the name of the blog right? (: )

    That's all, this is fun I am excited to watch!


  2. Do you love Harry Potter? Please say "yes!" (haha)

    How often do you share clothes?

    Have you read the Hunger Games?

    Um... that's all I've got.

  3. LOVE your outfits! They are cute and comfty and that is the best style ever in my book! Hmmm not sure If I have any questions...but im looking forward to your vlog is you do one!

  4. So... this has nothing to do with anything but... for the longest time I thought your blog said, "For the silly, the stylish, and the socially" That was it... I don't know how I didn't realize that the second half of "girls" was being cut off by my laptop screen... but whatevs. that's all I have to say... awk. Socially Awkward makes a lot more sense. lolol "and the socially!"... this amuses me...way too much.... gah. it's late. i'm done. lol

    {XOXO, Deanna}

  5. ahh i am loving that mustard colored cardi!


    If you won a million bucks what would you do with it?

    If you were stuck on a desert island and all you could bring was one item, what would it be?

    What essentials are in your weekend bag?

  6. have you ever considered opening up your own little online store?

  7. I recently found your blog and love it! You girls are adorable! My question is blog related. How did you grow your blog? Did you put a lot of time into it? And now that it has grown do you still enjoy it even though I'm guessing you spend a lot of time on it?? questions from a new blogger. : )

  8. Love the mustard - its my color of the year i've decided :)
    Lets think of questions - What is your favorite outfit? What would you wear everyday if you could? What is your favorite occasion to get dressed up for?
    looking forward to the vlog :)

  9. As college students, how do you balance a shopping budget? Any tips on saving money?

    Dreaming in Paris

  10. Hand over those boots and no one will get hurt. LOL.

  11. Q: when driving through a yellow stoplight, do you touch the ceiling and make a wish? :)

    ps: im a new follower, LOVE your blog. xo

  12. Sooooooooo I've been in Provo since September and since then I've come to the realization that 96.3447657% of the male population is shallow! Therefore, I have yet to get asked on a date. How do you keep from getting bitter towards the few girls that always get asked out on dates in Provoland? I'm beginning to think that I'm going to just grow old alone and become a kindergarten teacher who wears sweaters with pictures on them.


Reading your comments is like finding 5 dollars in my pocket. You guys are the best.

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