Wednesday, March 28, 2012

We Likey Wednesday

Girl Crush: Georgina Chapman
Have any of you been keeping up with Project Runway: All Stars? It's pretty good. But what it lacks in Heidi Klum's slightly German taglines, it makes up for in having the super gorgeous Georgina Chapman as a judge. Who is that you ask? Oh, just the co-founder of Marchesa. No big deal or anything...

Boy Crush: Josh Hutcherson/Peeta
Ok. Was this really a surprise to anyone? Peeta has officially beaten out all the others to win the title of "Man of My Dreams" in our book. And Josh Hutcherson is just foine. We don't care if he's two years younger than us. Or that he's 5'6". His odds are still in his favor. If you know what we mean.

Flava of the Week: Corner Bakery Cafe
In a desperate quest to find a meal last weekend, we stumbled upon the Corner Bakery Cafe. Thinking we had just found Utah's best kept secret, we later found out it's a giant chain restaurant. But you know what, any place that serves breakfast all day is a fine establishment to us. And our paninis were pretty delicious.

We Want: Peplum

Maybe we've been subconsciously inspired by Effie Trinket, but we've been loving this peplum silhouette lately. Peplum skirts, peplum shirts... we'll take em all. 

Tunes: Now Now, "But I Do"

We just recently learned about Now, Now courtesy of this guy. This song is slightly emo. But definitely beautiful.

Funnies: this picture.

Yep. Still funny.



  1. Perhaps I'm just an old lady, but I cannot get on board with Josh Hutcherson hahaha. I needed a big handsome strong blonde man to fulfill the Peeta of my dreams! ;)

  2. :) I always love Wednesdays haha. That last one is hilarious, oh jeez will Kristen Stewart ever change her facial expression?

    xoxo, Jjanga

  3. Liking Josh Hutcherson would practically make me a cougar...I officially feel old.

    The Tiny Heart

  4. These posts are my favorite! 1)That twilight picture had me cracking up for about 5 minutes. haha so great. 2)Josh/Peeta = yummy.Even though he is an inch shorter than me I would still date in a second!

  5. haha love all of this - the crushes i totally agree with and the last picture definitely make me laugh. :0)

  6. peeta was an obvious choice. totally love him!!!!
    xo TJ

  7. I'm digging the peplums too...have some outfit posts for this weekend featuring my own take :) And I've gotta say for myself that Seneca Crane was the hottest man ever...I know he's not exactly the "hero" of Hunger Games, but let's just say I'm hoping this leads to a great acting career for Wes Bentley!

    <3 Cambria


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