Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Advertise on Awkward Girls!

So, like, you wanna?
(cue "silly pic" where we ironically ask something like, "Who wouldn't want to sponsor this!?")
Also, we look good. 

Well you guys, we're finally doing it. A REAL sponsorship system. We've been playing around with the idea in our minds for a while, and now that school is almost over and we can dedicate lots more time to this little blog of ours, we figure it's time to get down to bid-niss. 

For a long time we've done sponsor swaps, and it's been awesome getting to know and helping to promote so many of you lovely new bloggers out there. That being said, (and we never actually thought we'd say this seriously) blogging requires a lot of work. And time. And dedication. And we're ready to take it to the next level. 

Through your sponsorship, we will be able to advertise on bigger platforms, thus increasing traffic and exposure for your blogs as well! 

Sponsorship on Awkward Girls will begin in May and offers 3 sizes to match all your blogging needs and fulfill all your hopes and dreams: 
Large Feature Ad- $12 
- Individual Spotlight or guest post
- Giveaway option
- Placed at top of sponsor column
- 2 spots available

Medium Ad Space- $7
- Group Sponsor Spotlight
- Group Giveaway option
- Placed beneath large ads

Small- $3 or free w/ ad swap*
- Placed beneath medium ads
*Must have at least 400 followers via GFC or Bloglovin' in order to be eligible for sponsor swaps.

* Prices are monthly and subject to change as the blog grows.

For further details and stats, check out the sponsor page here.
Email us at awkwardgirls2@gmail.com to reserve your spot or for any questions!


  1. i so took dat pic.

    also, lauren, you really wanna accuse ME of potentially having ginger babies? REALLY? REALLY? aren't you forgetting about the famous jjmofo?

  2. How exciting! You guys are HILL.AIR.EE.US. That picture is TOTES amaze.

  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAH PICTUUUUUURRREEEEE. Still laughing. Still goin. HA.


  5. YAY!!! LOVEEEEEE the picture! you girls are a riot! i am def going to be sponosoring in june!! yay!!!

    xo Kelly

    Enter My Giveaway!


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