Wednesday, April 25, 2012

We Likey Wednesday

Girl Crush: Rooney Mara
Rooney Mara is kind of like that cool, older girl in high school that you both admire and are terribly afraid of because she might beat you up. But let's be honest, she has a pretty impeccable style and an unconventional approach to beauty.

Boy Crushes: One Direction
 Okay. Every girl is entitled to guilty pleasures. One Direction takes us back to our old boy band days (let's not pretend that we didn't have N*SYNC and BSB posters plastered all over our walls growing up). 
Can you blame us though? They're just so cute and well dressed!
And they're all legal. So this isn't creepy.
We checked. 

Flava of the Week: Salt City Burger Co. 

We went here over the weekend for graduation celebrations. And it was gooooood.
Look at that burger. Do we even need to say more?

We Want: Sunglasses
We're loving these cute vintage style sunglasses right now. Now if only the Utah sun will decide to stay out for longer than a few days at a time. 

Tunes: Army of 3, "We Found Love" (Rihanna Cover)
Really this is just Ingrid Michelson's new project. But we're kind of obsessed with this Rihanna song, and even more obsessed when it's a capella.

Funnies: Tom Haverford
To celebrate the return of Parks and Recreation from its midseason break, we decided to compile some of our favorite Tom Haverford moments. 



  1. Oh goodness I love tom! Have you seen his river rafting commercial? Hilarious!!

  2. i'm totally crushing on one direction too! too bad they're about 4 years too young :(

  3. HAHAHA. I love that you checked to make sure that One Direction was legal. I have never actually heard of them before (but am currently listening to one of their songs- not bad), but I did the same thing when my 8 year old niece and I went to see Big Time Rush...I saw all these 14 year old girls with their booties hanging out, trying to get their attention and I thought to myself, "that it isn't legal." I felt very old that day...


  4. I love one direction, me and my six year old cousin rock out and parks and rec is my fav show of all time!

  5. oh gosh, one direction is everyone. i'm still not 100% sold, but then again, i wasn't with justin bieber at first either, and that's definitely changed, ha
    xo TJ

  6. LOVE this post.. firstly, rooney mara is so much girl crush as of late. she's just someone you can't stop looking at because her beauty is so interestingly different and fresh, in comparison with all the cookie cutter beauties out there.. secondly, those sunglasses are rad. thirdly, Tom Haverford is pretty much the main reason why I LOVE parks & rec.. Amy Poehler and company are pretty great but Tom is my fave.

  7. In some senses Rooney Mara reminds of Audrey Hepburn...the same flaunting of style norms, but impeccable sense of what is beautiful for herself and iconic for those who are looking at her. Not to mention her face and hair and way of posing are quite remnscent of AH. I'm interested to see what she does in teh future!

    <3 Cambria

  8. i call dibs on harry. that curly head of locks kills me.

  9. I'm obsessed with Parks & Rec, specifically Tom & April.

    Also, you light up my world like nobody else.

  10. Um i'm obsessed with one direction!! kind of love that boy bands are making a come back, not gonna lie. and that song?? ingrid never ceases to amaze me!

  11. I just purchased the second pair of sunglasses the other day - they are amazing!

  12. I loove Rooney Mara...there's a real edge and originality to her style. Love your blog by the way...just discovered it and I'm already hooked :)


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