Thursday, May 10, 2012

We Likey Wednesday

What happens when your computer dies mid-blogging and you're too lazy to go get the charger?
You get a We Likey Wednesday post early Thursday morning. Sorry. 

Girl Crush: Analeigh Tipton

You know those moments in life when you find yourself watching endless hours of America's Next Top Model marathons? Well when those times come, Analeigh from cycle 11 is always a breath of fresh air. Staying classy while being on one of the most ridiculous TV shows of all time, and then going on to having a legit acting career is a commendable feat. 

And so is looking that good in pleated pants. 

Boy Crush: Rob Lowe
Rob Lowe in the 80's
Rob Lowe now... what????
No other human being retains attractiveness quite like Rob Lowe. 
The only way to explain this phenomena is to assume he's a vampire... which we're okay with. 

Flava of the Week: Earl of Sandwich
When you're desperate for food, and you're on the Las Vegas strip, and it's midnight and your legs are about to disintegrate, Earl of Sandwich is like an oasis in the desert. And the sandwiches are pretty dang good.  Now they just need to put one in Utah.

We Want: Watches

We like to call them "Pimp Watches". You know, the big gold ones like the one up there?
But we're also loving the ones with the colored bands. In pastel too? It's bananas. We die. 

Tunes: St. Vincent, "Cruel"

Everything about St. Vincent is crush worthy. From her curly locks to her cute vintage style. 
And of course her music. This song from her most recent album is the background music to that daydream you have where you're frolicking in a meadow during springtime. 

Funnies: Cats...

Another reason why cats are the best.



  1. that cat. seriously, i'm dying right meow.


  2. Love Rob Lowe! Love him even more now that I have seen those pictures! :) thank you!

  3. Have you watched all of ANTM cycle 11?

  4. ahaha that poor cat. too funny though

  5. I love ANTM marathons - well I love them, but I hate them because they are so addicting! Glad I'm not the only one :)

  6. Hahahahahha the cat video. I've always seen the gif but never the video. I. want. those. watches.


  7. oh my gosh, Analeigh, i wanted her to win SOOO bad. she was so nice, and a really good model. and i loved seeing her in Crazy, Stupid, Love!! girl crush for sure!
    xo TJ

  8. I've been dying over that Kate Spade watch for awhile now, isn't it gorgeous? If only....

  9. my contribution for likey wednesday is that i likey lauren & madison of the awkward girls.


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