Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Nieman Marcus + Target: Our Picks

Our two favorite things have collided to birth one of the best things you can imagine. 
Target + expensive stuff we can only wish to buy = Nieman Marcus for Target
*cue the choir of high-pitched adolescent boys*
We love everything in the collection, but a few of our faves include some pretty feminine dresses , fun mismatched plates, quirky lunch boxes, hip cookie cutters, and posh leopard slippers. 

We are seriously dying over the black cape and fur vest! They are just so classy, and you can never go wrong with black (we've been into black lately...which probably has something to do with our mk&a obsession mixed in with our love for the XX).

What's your favorite gem in the Nieman Marcus Collection?



  1. Love the black cape. SO pretty!


  2. I saw this stuff there and omgsh- so excited! I love the fur vest the most!

  3. isn't target the best! i have a "if i was rich at target" post, I'm so sad i can't get it all :(

    -Deana from birds&oxfords


Reading your comments is like finding 5 dollars in my pocket. You guys are the best.

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