Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 Kick Off

Happy New Year!
Lauren and Madison

We're so excited to kick off 2013 on the blog! As you may have noticed, things have slowed down around here for the past couple of months. But all that's about to change.
Some of our goals for the new year include: 
- posting more outfit posts
- adhering to a regular blogging schedule
- hosting bigger, better, badder giveaways n' contests

But we also want to hear from you! Is there anything in particular you want to see on the blog? 
An idea for an outfit post? A tutorial? Outfit advice? Dating advice?
(Just kidding about the last one. You know us.)
Let us know!

Oh, and that awkwardly amazing piece of artwork was done by our incredibly talented friend, John Jackson! You can find more of his work here



  1. I love this so much. I am stoked for 2013 and being better at blogging. I wanna see more likey wendesday, das my fave. Juj is an incredible artist man!

  2. lovely blog, lets see more adventures :)
    -deana, from birdsandoxfords

  3. everyone wants to hear more about how awkward your lives are.

  4. That is so adorable and perfect for you guys! I can't wait to hear more from you gals. Keep it coming with the We Likey Wednesdays; those are so hilarious.


  5. I just stumbled across your blog and I'm already in love! Keep it up, you guys. I can't wait for more posts from the both of you!


  6. One suggestion! I always appreciate blogs that will post holiday outfit ideas before the actual holiday. For example, Valentines is around the corner. Would you mind posting a segment of different outfits for different occasions. A outfit for a causal breakfast with a new beau, or a upscale ensemble for a lovely dinner with a great guy.
    Thank you so much. And have a happy new year!

  7. glad you guys are back - we've missed you so :)

  8. LOVEEE that piece of art. I would love blogging how-tos...maybe just about editing software you use, tips, etc


Reading your comments is like finding 5 dollars in my pocket. You guys are the best.

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