Wednesday, May 15, 2013

We Likey Wedensday

Girl Crush: Elena Tonra
Elena is the lead singer of one of our favorite bands, Daughter.
Last night we got to see their show, and it was amazing!
She has such a big voice, but shy, giggly personality.
5 minutes of seeing her live and you'll have a crush too.

Boy Crush: Leonardo DiCaprio
Good then...
And good now.
P.S. Who else saw The Great Gatsby? Did you like?

Flava of the Week: Toasters
When trekking through the streets of Salt Lake and thinking that you're so hungry that you're stomach is going to eat itself, the heavens will open and you'll find this cool little Deli that hits the spot. Errythang is tasty at Toasters.
 We Want: Knuckle Rings
We wanted to resist this trend at first, but we can't deny it any longer! We are especially loving the unique, delicate rings pictured above^^

Tunes: Zee Avi,  "Concrete Wall"
You guys know how we love angsty man-hating songs.
If you guys are looking for a summer-y artist to get addicted to, look no further than Zee Avi.
Her music is chill and happy...most of the time.

We're just curious as to who thought of doing this...? And we want to meet you and become your best friend.



  1. That Zee Avi song is seriously my favorite. Sometimes people just make you want to throw your shoes through concrete walls

  2. haha i love these!
    -Deana, from Birds&Oxfords

  3. ok. I love your blog, its the cutest thing ive ever seen! And im really obsessed with your header! I change mine so much, I can never get it right, but you guys definitely did it right! Sorry this comment doesnt have to do with the post, which i also think is quite lovely! But consider me your newest follower!!

  4. First of all, you girls are darling.

    Second of all, I saw Gatsby twice and died each time. I have never seen a more perfect movie. it may be my new fav. it was so good. And seriously, the art direction was so beautiful! I was fangirling out of my mind. If you guys haven't seen it, go purchase your ticket this instant.


  5. I am dying. I need to be friends with the person who made those Ryan Gosling videos, too. So genius.


Reading your comments is like finding 5 dollars in my pocket. You guys are the best.

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