Friday, December 20, 2013

Werk It

 scarf: vintage, jacket: kaleidoscope boutique (old), shirt: gap, trousers: banana republic (on sale!), shoes: halogen via nordstrom rack.

An interesting transition occurs after you graduate college. 
(And no, I'm not talking about the one where dye your hair purple and move to L.A)

I'm talking about the one where you go from wearing sweats and leggings to actually getting a "real job" and having to wear actual "pants". Like, what? It can be a struggle.
 Pantsophobia is a real thing. I think even Yonce' might have it. 

Here are a few basic tips as I've transformed my wardrobe from collegiate to suga momma...
1.Work with what you got. Not only do you not want to buy a whole new wardrobe (even if your heart says yes), but there's no need to change your style for a new job. 
2.Buy *a few* staple peieces. I'm talking a pencil skirt/ trousers--and the possibilities are endless!
3.Tastefully accessorize! A good pair of earrings, a versatile watch, or a statement necklace will turn casual outfits into a more dressy ensemble. 

 And if all else fails--just go on that shopping spree. You got a job, you deserve it, right?



  1. Love your scarf!

    Join my holiday blog giveaway here! Chic, bath set freebies are up for grabs!

  2. I'm really feeling all the words in this post because I'm kind of having a crisis about having to wear boring clothes once I get out of grad school and have a real job. I've really been loving all the cute trousers I've been seeing around lately though. I love your blue ones. I actually found a similar pair on clearance at Target and am looking forward to styling them. You look adorable in yours!

  3. I love this! I think I might be having palpitations over those shoes. And pants that color and pattern? I die. I can't wait to get a real job. xo


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