Thursday, June 28, 2012

June Sponsor Spotlight!

Hey guys!
Today, we want to introduce you to the sweet ladies that have been sponsoring us for the past month! Since it's summer time, and living is easy, we figured we'd ask em what they're most looking forward to this summer! Mostly so we can live vicariously through them because their lives are 10 times more interesting than ours. Is that so wrong?

Meet Meagan from
 "The Egg is a personal lifestyle blog about living in a gorgeous mountain town. Based in Jackson Hole, it features local cuisine, mountainista fashion, crazy adventures and my personal travels around the world!  I'm constantly snapping photos and sharing the beauty of this laid back and fun mountain life that I live.  Stop by and say hello!!"

What I'm Looking Forward to this Summer: 
Surprising my mom for her 60th birthday down in Florida.  My brothers and I booked flights and she has no clue.  Twenty bucks she faints when she sees us!

Meet Holly from
Hello! I'm Holly Sweetman, I am a personal trainer by trade but every free second I have I put into my baby, my blog Scuttle.
Scuttle is a fashion & lifestyle blog based in hot Atlanta that celebrates everything from fashion & shopping to travel & tasty food. It is a little mix-match of everything but with ALOT of fashion thrown in. I post about all the things that I love & that inspire me, whether that be Prada's line of car themed shoes or a tasty macaroon at a local bakery in Atlanta. 
My hope is to inspire others to live a life full of the art that we are surrounded with every day, the art that you eat & wear!

What I'm Looking Forward to this Summer: 
I have a trip planned to Vegas in August & I can't wait for it! It is a week with all of my best friends. We hardly ever see each other & we are all flying in from all over North America to spend a week together! It will be some of the best days of the year!

Meet Anna from
Hey I'm Anna and I blog over at Anna Apricot. I am a college student who loves to have fun. I adore traveling and hanging out with my friends. My blog is basically about my whole life. I write about anything and everything. I love blogging and being able to share my experiences. Hopefully you will go check out my blog!

What I'm Looking Forward to this Summer:
I am most looking forward to me trip to california and DISNEYLAND!!!

Meet Bibi from
Hello Awkward readers!  I'm excited to introduce Tela Clothing! I, Bibi,  always know how to find the best deal as an avid thrifter and aspiring seamstress (the extent of my skills currently only include a semi-straight stitch), but I wanted to find the happy medium between boutique style and large box store prices so I decided to create it.  Tela Clothing was born to offer young women affordable style with modern charm. Friends of Tela located in the Northern California keep Tela local by taking advantage of the opportunity to host a Pop Up Shop in their very own home! 

What I'm Looking Forward to this Summer:
I am looking forward to wearing dresses without tights this summer but I do not look forward to shaving my legs.

Meet Alycia from
After living in California for 8 years, we finally moved back to the east coast. It feels good to be home!
I blog mainly about life, books, my attempts at gardening, and my dogs. I also like to browse Etsy and Pinterest on a regular, time-sucking basis.

What I'm Looking Forward to this Summer:
I'm looking forward to getting settled in our new home and having family and friends over to visit us! Also, I'm hoping to start a small veggie garden

Meet Cecilia from
Hello lovely Awkward Girl readers, my name is Cecilia and I’m the girl behind Dearest Lou. I blog about thrifty fashion, newlywed life, and everything in between.  We have recently announced our pregnancy for the entire world to read and I’ll be blogging a lot about this little one on the way, along with pregnancy fashion tips. Come on by and say hello, I love making new friends (:

What I'm Looking Forward to this Summer:
I'm really looking forward to feeling my baby move and seeing my bump grow!

Meet Shannon from
Hi Urrrybody!  My name is Shannon and I run the mad-house over at GBO Fashion - a blog about personal style, fashion tips, and occasionally other junk.  Things I love: peanut butter, space heaters, cookies, thrift store scores, honey bunches of oats, my dreamboat husband, and the adorable Awkward Girls (duh). I hate: brushing my teeth, when my underwear feels too tight, when Costco is out of samples, bugs, and when my love handles start to tell me to limit my cookie consumption. This summer I'm looking forward to exploring San Francisco - my new home! Come over and party (and rate outfits) at GBO Fashion!  Woot Woot!


  1. Yaaaaay for this! or do i love the awkward girls long LONG time? mmmmyeah. miss you girls! xoxo


  2. So many great blogs...I always love your sponsor recommends.

    <3 Cambria


Reading your comments is like finding 5 dollars in my pocket. You guys are the best.

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