Wednesday, August 1, 2012

We Likey Wednesday

Girl Crush: Lana Del Rey

Something about Lana, just screams summer, you know?
Maybe it's her hip-hoppy chill music, her floral crowns, or her freakishly large lips. 
Either way, she is definitely one of our favorite style icons for the summer time. 

Boy Crush: Max Irons
Confession time: we read The Host. 
And we kinda liked it, okay?
Don't judge us. 
Max irons plays Jared in the movie coming out next year. And we're kinda curious about it. 
Especially him. 

Madison: "Why does his face look so familiar?"
Lauren: "Because he's the man of my fantasies."

Flava of the Week: Slab Pizza
It's odd that we haven't mentioned them before, seeing as we live right down the street. 
Before you venture to this yummy place, you should know, they literally give you a quarter of a pizza. 
We're not joking.
And it's pretty tasty too!

We Want: Daisy Print
 Daisy print is like the revamp of the old day-to-day floral print. 
A little more feminine and refined. We likey.

Tunes: Grouplove "Tongue Tied"

Perfect for those summer partaaay nights. 
That we have all the time, because we're so popular. 
No we're not.
But if we were, this would be on our playlist.
Funnies: Tutts my Barreh
**Please note that we are not trying to be racist. 
But, if you are offended, "come on and give me water dessert."


  1. tuts my barreh. i cannot stop laughing. oh and p.s. if you guys think for one second you are seeing the host without me you are dead wrong. and dead meat. cause that's my all-time favorite book.

  2. Absolutely love, grouplove. I featured them in my Music Monday post this week!

  3. now i want the slab. dang it guys. also, i have a daisy print shirt, just reminded me. so summery, i must wear it.


  4. I loved the host...should I be embarrassed? Those daisy prints are so adorable!

  5. That daisy print dress w the bow caught my eye this week too...but more because of the bow ;) I love Lana Del Ray's look...not mine, but I would love to pull it off!

    <3 Cambria

  6. Love grouplove, love slab, love daisy prints, and now (just stumbled across) love this blog.

  7. 1. Lana. I saw her earlier this summer for $20. She was a super weirdo but that doesn't stop her from being beautiful and having lovely songs hahahah.
    2. I just bought a daisy-print sheer peplum tank from asos that I looove.
    3. I literally laughed out loud at that video. He is giving Mariah a run for her moneyyyyyzzzz.

  8. So in love with the daisey dress! The yellow bow makes it so fun!

  9. I LOVE the Host. It is such a good book. It sucks that so many people won't go near it with a ten foot pole because it is written by Stephanie Meyer. I have had so many dreams after I read that book, where I'm in that world. It's odd, for sure! Can't wait to see the movie.


  10. ...what's wrong with liking the host? it was a good book!

  11. uhwhat?! they are making the host into a movie?! i'm sort of stoked because i sort of loved that book. it was as if stephanie meyer didn't even write it. (which is a good thing because twilight... well let's just say i wasn't a fan).

  12. lana looks like the grown-up version of the girl from moonrise kingdom. and that's fine.


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