Friday, December 5, 2014

All Night Long

top: target
jeans: hm
jacket: f21
shoes: new balance
backpack: tessel supply

Lately I've been pulling a lot of accidental all-nighters. I say accidental because the night usually starts with me getting into bed around 10pm thinking, "Wow, look at me. I'm SO ADULT RIGHT NOW" but then one thing leads to another, and BAM--it's 3am and I'm on some obscure spam-filled website, clicking through a gallery of pictures explaining all of Justin Bieber's tattoos.

We've all been there.

But then I tell people I stayed up till 4 in the morning and they're like, "Wait, you're not even in school. What are you doing up so late?" And it's a valid question. So for anyone that's ever asked, here are some highlights from last night:

- starting this blog post, then hitting writers block after one sentence.

- "Outfit Planning," which is really just code for "pulling everything out of my closet, taking gratuitous mirror selfies, and climbing in bed after resolving to hang everything back up tomorrow."

- going through all of Taylor Swift's tumblr archives and finally reaching that point where you think, how can I get Taylor Swift to notice me and want to be my best friend and invite me over to her house to play with her cat make inside jokes with her... without sounding like a desperate fangirl?

- ...


- getting a burst of energy and deciding to do push ups. But actually doing maybe 4 pushups...which are really just me in plank position slightly bending my elbows.

- hearing mysterious noises in my house and classifying them into three categories: 1) normal house sounds, 2) intruder sounds, 3) ghost sounds.

- feeling extra paranoid and turning on an episode of The Colbert Show to drown out categories 2 and 3.

- having an anxiety attack over small, inconsequential embarrassing things I did like 3 years ago.

- emotionally-induced songwriting.

- deciding to become vegetarian.

- making my first ever food-related board on Pinterest, and somehow feeling like I'm finally maturing because I pinned recipes that involve quinoa.

- finally doing that one little thing for work that I've been putting off all day, and taking about 6x longer than I should because I keep getting lost in a buzzfeed vacuum.

- getting back to this blog post and falling asleep with my computer in my lap 2 minutes later.

I have now reached level-10 procrastination because I actually procrastinate doing the things I'm using to procrastinate doing actual things I have to get done. It's like procrasti-ception.

Gosh, I have issues.

xo, Lo


  1. This was adorable. I feel like you were describing what I do every night. Also, jacket + sneakers = mega cute.

    XO Liza

  2. I've totally been there.. it's amazing how fast the internet can suck you in. I love that backpack

  3. This sounds like my nights, but lately I have been stuck on Tumblr and watching dozes of episodes of Forensic Files thanks to Netflix. The struggle is real, girl.

  4. HAHAHA this is literally my life.
    Your posts are the cutest! Flipping always!
    Also you look adorable.


  5. wow, backpack is amazing!

  6. i love you bc you GET ME. keep the realness comin'.

  7. Haha love this! and that backpack is pretty awesome.

  8. That packback looks so 3/dimensional & lovely!

  9. But that backpack! It looks like some futuristic spaceship type of thing. Accidental all-nighters are so strange...I look at the time like "How did I let this happen?!"

  10. Love this look! I love how versatile New Balances are, ahhh so tempted to get a pair.

  11. you're so cool. wish i could look that cute in tennis shoes haha

  12. Who doesn't want to be Taylor swift's friend? Haha :)

    Love this outfit, it seems so effortless and elegant.



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