Friday, February 13, 2015

You'll never guess what this blogger did after 2 months of not blogging...

That's right. She blogged.

Now that I've reeled you in in the best way I know how (attention-grabbing, open ended statement followed by completely underwhelming response), you'll notice that I've finally decided to actually write a blog post again. This new development comes after two solid months of neglecting my poor laptop, which hardly ever gets used anymore because of the following reasons:

a) I got a real-person job--complete with swivel chairs, a desktop computer, office gossip, and an entire break room full of treats--which eliminates my need to work from home.

b) Every time I use my laptop, it does that thing where it heats up really fast and starts making a sound like it's about to launch itself into outer space.

c) I am now the proud owner of an iPad. I'm one of those "iPad people" now.

But once I realized that none of those things are good enough excuses to walk away from this space that I love so much, and also because my mom uses this blog to make sure I'm still alive, I've decided to come crawling back and beg you to love me again.

Let me get real with you for a second, though. I have had a difficult time blogging for the past few years--not because of a lack of time, but because I worry that I've pigeonholed myself so far into this space to the point where I don't always feel like this is a platform where I can talk about things that matter to me most and affect me the deepest. As much as I love fashion, I don't feel like I ever wanted this to be purely a "fashion blog" because, while personal style is fun and yes, I believe it's important, it's not everything.

Moving forward into this new year (yeah middle of February that works too), I want this blog to be a source of inspiration in all aspects of life--whether that be fashion, beauty, art, relationships, careers, things, stuff, etc. (Did my blog just become Seventeen Magazine for twenty-somethings? Yes. Yes it did). You see, most of the time, I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. This season of life is so scary, and frustrating, and exciting, and good--basically everything Taylor Swift says it is, and I know a lot of you are experiencing the same thing. So how about we create a space where we can talk about it? I don't know exactly what that means yet, but maybe you can help me figure it out.

All I'm saying is that you better buckle-freaking-up because you're going to hear a lot more from me. But at the same time, I want to hear from you as well. If there's anything that you want to see more of on this blog, a submission for a guest post, a question for advice, or just something important that you want me to address here, let me know! Comment, email me, snapchat me, skywrite me, actually write me (pen pals, anyone?). I don't care, just get ahold of me and let's chat!

I love you all, I really do. I hope I didn't make this weird. But if I did, I at least hope it was the good kind of weird.



  1. good kind of weird is your forte.
    luv u bbygirl.

  2. MOR CATZ PLZ. Ok but for reals I just like your snarky writing style so I'll read whatever you post on here, haha. Congrats on your big kid job and hope you're doing well!


  3. I will always read what you have to say as long as you say it, girl! Also, where were those pictures taken?! Excited to see where this goes.

  4. What Bri said. Welcome back! You and your words matter, and I'm so excited to see what you express within this space. Blogs are rather a precarious thing, because there's sort of this notion that what exists in the archive is a reflection of self. That what you've done up until this point IS you. But, it's only the tiniest smidgen of you, in fact. The real wonder of it is what exists in draft mode. The potential of the future archive. That's a really long-winded way of saying you do you! And you evolve what you want that to be as much as you please. We'll be here. : )


  5. I've always thought you were a fresh, genuine writer, and I'm so happy to see you're back! I can't wait to see what you post going forward! They really should just make February the new year anyway.

  6. Welcome Back !!!

  7. I am so glad you're back, I've missed reading your posts a lot! And Seventeen magazine for twenty somethings?? Hell yes!

    Migle // Meet Me On The Balcony

  8. haha welcome back! i'm excited to hear more about your real-person job and life :)

  9. "(attention-grabbing, open ended statement followed by completely underwhelming response)"
    Holy crap-balls, thanks for addressing this stupid trend. I was just thinking the other day how annoying it has become.
    Congrats on the job. Looking forward to your future blog posts, as always~

  10. Love your photography!! All of it!
    xo erin

  11. I echo Emma. It's a good kind of weird.

    Weeeeelcome back sista!

  12. I really love your thoughts, and contemplations, and stream of consciousnesses -- so, super excited about this. Your quandaries are super relevant, so no need to feel self-conscious or anything -- we're all in it with you (in it to win it!)!

  13. You have such a fun and relatable voice!

    Dont stop posting!

  14. She's back! missed ya lovely. Excited to see where this year takes you and your blog :) x

  15. Welcome back. I know what you mean, about writing and everything else.


  16. These pictures are breathtaking - your outfit is perfect and the location is amazing!

    Also, I feel like you would be the best penpal ever.


  17. I have followed your blog for several years now- through undergrad, graduate school, and now my own "real-person job." Keep posting because somehow your relatable posts about fashion, music, and life in general give me the boost I need to tackle another day.

  18. yay blogging! I've followed this blog for a while too (like Kelley up there, hi Kelley!) and then I took a long blogging break (oops) and now I'm back and stalking old faves! I have to applaud you on the VOICE you put into your posts. holy crap it's a bloggers dream to have such great voice! anyways, just wanted to tell you that. K back to stalking all the posts I've missed. BYE

    Lovely Little Rants


Reading your comments is like finding 5 dollars in my pocket. You guys are the best.

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