Thursday, May 31, 2012

We Likey Wednesday

Apologies for posting this a day late, but the wait will be well worth it. 
You'll see...

Girl Crush: Stephen Colbert
Stephen Colbert is one of the sexiest women alive.
We're serious.
 And you know what? We couldn't agree more. 

Boy Crush:  Matt Barr
Did you guys watch any bit of the Hatfield's and Mccoy's on the History Channel?
Sometimes we like to pretend we're into historical things.
"Johnse" (Matt Barr) is like a western Ryan Gosling. 
He can Hatfield our Mccoy anytime. What?

Flava of the Week: Pizzeria 712
Lauren was going through some stuff, so we decided to go out, get hott, and treat ourselves. 
Pizzeria 712 was our escape from reality into food paradise. 
We had some yum yum pizza and "holycrapthisislikebutterinmymouth" pork.

We Want:  Flatforms
If a heel and sandal had a baby, they would kinda be like this. 
Comfort and height. We likey.

Tunes: Band of Horses "No One's Gonna Love You
We are so pumped that they are going to the Twilight Concert Series this summer!
And this is probably one of our favorite songs of all time. 

Funnies: Haters Gonna Hate
This kid must have amazing parents. 


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Fun

top: f21, skirt/belt: thrifted, shoes: ae
top: f21, shorts: old navy, necklace: hm, shoes: gap
We hope everyone had a fabulous Memorial Day weekend!
Ours was filled with thrift store shopping (50% off at Savers!), BBQ (given), and a late night showing of Mirror Mirror (Lily Collins' eyebrows? We're in love) at the dollar theater. 

Besides having an awesome day off, we hope everyone remembers the real reason for Memorial Day. We are so grateful for the brave men and women who have given their lives serving our country. Their sacrifice constantly reminds us to never take our freedom for granted. 

(We just got so real just now.)

Anyways, we also like to think of Memorial Day as the unofficial summer kick-off. Which means we went to Seven Peaks today for the first time this year. Pass of all Passes, anyone? You better believe we're gonna be there all day every day.

P.S. If you're in the area, we used a coupon code and got our passes for super cheap. Email us if you want in on that action!


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Weekend Crafties

So this weekend we decided we needed to be crafty. This does not happen often, so we thought we'd seize the day and just go crazy. If you read the last We Likey Wednesday, you probably know we've been yearning for some floral crowns lately. So we headed to Joann's, bought some supplies, and followed THIS tutorial by the lovely Bridget from Deer Circus. (Seriously, she's great).

A few feet of floral wire, and some butchered silk flower arrangements later, we got this:

We wanted to use smaller flowers so they were more "versatile",

but really we just want to go run around in a meadow.

Have you guys made any cool craft projects lately?
 If so, we want to see/steal your ideas!


Friday, May 25, 2012

May Sponsor Spotlight!

Happy Friday! Today we would like to introduce you to the rest of our awesome sponsors. Since we are the Awkward Girls, we asked everyone to share an awkward moment. Let me tell you, we were pretty tickled by some of these stories. Check 'em out!

Meet Cecilia from Dearest Lou

Hello lovely Awkward Girl readers, my name is Cecilia and I’m the girl behind Dearest Lou. I blog about thrifty fashion, newlywed life, and about things I find humorous. I’m a very thrifty shopper because I don’t believe anyone needs to spend a lot of money to look fashionable.

An Awkward Moment:
There was this one time my junior year of college when we had to introduce ourselves to everyone in my business law class. Well, I was wearing a rather short skirt and when it was my time to stand up it got caught on my sweater and I ended up flashing everyone in the class my underwear. My face was the color of a tomato until the end of class.

Meet Bethany from The Painted Lady

My blog, The Painted Lady, is basically filled with little sketchy cartoons I draw about my life, but I also show the progress I am making on various paintings and art projects.

An Awkward Moment:
 well--this is probably more of a creepy moment, but I think it counts and it's one of my best stories.
So.  I was house sitting for my big brother and his family while they took a trip to England.  The first night I made my self a small dinner before settling down lazily to watch Gilmore Girls.  Basically I watched it for a while and then when my eyes could barely stay open I turned it off and settled down on the couch to sleep. So I dozed off.  Only to wake up in the morning with a ring on my engagement finger.
A ring i have never seen before. On my engagement finger. It was super creepy, especially when I found out it was my sister-in-law's ring, which I must have sleep-walked through the house to get.  (!!!)  My subconscious REALLY wanted me to have a ring.  

Meet Brittni from With Love From Michigan

I'm Brittni and I blog over at With Love From Michigan. My blog is a mish-mash of daily outfits and teaching anecdotes. I would love for you to stop by and say hello!

An Awkward Moment:
My most awkward moment was at the beginning of my career as a fashionista (ha!) in the 10th grade. Back in 2003 I loved rocking a suede hunter green skirt with my "hooker boots" as we had lovingly dubbed them (aka black knee high boots with a chunky heel). The only problem was the boots were from Payless and they didn't have a lot of grip on the heel... can you see where this is going? So one day, as I'm hurrying to class after the bell, I totally wiped out in said outfit and fell! As I'm laying on my back WEARING A SKIRT with my feet in the air, wishing I would fall through the floor, a cute senior says, "Ummm.... can I help you?" I closed my eyes and said "Please go away so I can stand up with dignity." Oh, the things we do for fashion!

Meet Tori from Eye Candy!

Hi there! You can call me Tori! I blog over at Eye Candy, a place where I share anything and everything I'm loving or lusting after. I believe life is too beautiful to let it pass by without capturing the little moments it has to offer. This little piece of internet is a place for me to share all my thoughts and show you the most important things in my life: my friends and family (and maybe even an occasional fashion post)! Stop by, won't ya? I would love to have you!

An Awkward Moment:
Once upon a time I thought it would be wise to move across the country and play college soccer. I left after two weeks...awkward!

Meet Rachel from XOXO Rachel Sayumi

Hey Awkward Girls readers! My name is Rachel,and I blog over at xoxo Rachel Sayumi. My blog focuses on affordable and fun outfits... The occassional Instagram photo's... and just the lil gold nuggets of life! Come visit me sometime! :D

An Awkward Moment:
 One night,my student ward from church threw a huge end-of-the-year talent show. At the end of it,a guy was saying a prayer to close things off. It was kind of long,and he had a foreign accent,and I was hungry. I started to lose focus, embarrassingly.. and I THOUGHT I heard him say "Amen" but nope,he actually was not done with the prayer. Since I thought he was done,I look up and say loudly.. AYYYYYYY-MEN! Then I realized that he was not done. Three seconds later,he finishes for reals,and everyone in the room turned to stare at me. I'm not one who likes to make a scene,and that's kind of what I did. Oops!!

Meet Jennie of Jennie Moss Design

 I have a lifestyle, DIY and sometimes even a little fashion blog. I live in yellowstone with my cute hubster, and am performing at a semi professional theater called Playmill. I am happily trying to figure out how to be a wife, performer, creative girly and make my house as beautiful as possible. Come join me in my adventures and silly stories!

An Awkward Moment:
Two days ago I was walking home and a huge group of chinese tourists walked by me. I started asking where they were from and what they were up to. They told me they were from china and asked if I knew chinese. I said I knew one song, and could sing it for them. They started yelling in Chinese to a huge group of people, and those people came running towards us. I got so nervous, and then saw them pull out all their video cameras and say "sing your song!!" I sang, and they all cheered and clapped. So turns out I'm probably famous in China, and rule the Chinese youtube, nbd. 

And in case you're interested, we still have plenty of room open for medium sponsors for June. Check out our sponsor page for more info!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

We Likey Wednesday

Girl Crush: Alison Sudol
Alison Sudol is the genius woman behind A Fine Frenzy. We're actually convinced she can do no wrong. From making beautiful music to having impeccable style and the most amazing hair color. How? Just... how?

Boy Crush: Tom Hardy
Maybe we've just been in Provo too long or something, but we've been into bad boys lately. Tom Hardy is just the perfect mix of edginess, and sensitivity that can only be brought on by a hot British accent.
Also we just watched This Means War, and don't get us wrong. Chris Pine is foine, but we found ourselves rooting for Tom Hardy's character the whole movie. Anyone else agree?

Flava of the Week: Oreo Chocolate Chip Cookies
You guys, there is literally nothing better in the world than a cookie inside a cookie. 
It's like Cookie-ception.
We tried this recipe over the weekend and it was a party in our mouths. Seriously. 

We Want: Floral Crown/Headbands
You know when you were little and you were on a soccer team, but you weren't very good... So the coach would have you sit on the sidelines for most of the games, and instead you would spend your time making accessories out of grass and tying dandelions together to make crowns?

No, that didn't happen to you? Yeah... us either...

Tunes: School of Seven Bells, "Half Asleep"

This song pops up all over our Pandora, all the time. We Likey.

Funnies:Seth Galifianakis Interview

We think it's pretty obvious we have a thing for Zach. 
This just makes our love even more deep and real. 


Monday, May 21, 2012

We hope you're into role play...

Because if you are, we have just what you're looking for. 

But first... remember how Lauren was featured on Provo Modo a couple days ago? Well Madison did a feature as well and it was posted today. Check it out!

Now on to addressing our super creepy title...
A couple weeks ago, our friend Lizzy (who's photography skills have been featured here before) asked us to help her with her photography final. She did a series of photo shoots based on fairy tales. We think they turned out pretty cool so we thought we would share the end results!

Madison posed as Little Red Riding Hood in her shoot. They even found a nasty stuffed wolf courtesy of the Bean Museum. Cute. 

Then we got all Alice in Wonderland up in here, and Lauren was the Queen of Hearts. 
Please excuse the drag queen makeup. 

To check out the rest of the fairy tale shoots, as well as see more Lizzy Rinner Photography go to her blog, I Could Just Shoot You.


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sponsor Love: Urban Anthropology

Happy Saturday, friends! Today we have another Q&A session with one of our lovely sponsors. This time, you'll get a sneak peek into the mind of Natalie from Urban Anthropology. This girl has some sweet style, so we were excited to get to know her even better!

See, isn't she awesome? Make sure you go check out Urban Anthropology and say hello!
Oh and if you stop by before Monday, you can enter her H&M gift card giveaway


Friday, May 18, 2012


top: jcrew, skirt: thrifted, sandals: BC footwear via nordstrom, belt: f21
top/belt: f21, pants: hm, shoes: thrifted
We're starting to realize more and more how simple our outfits always are. We don't know if you guys realize it, but we hardly accessorize. A watch, a bracelet, and a statement necklace here and there, but that's it. Sometimes it makes us feel like horrible fashion bloggers. Who's going to find inspiration from pictures of really basic outfits? But then we heard this quote:

"When accessorizing, always take off the last thing you put on" - Coco Chanel

We kind of like her minimalist approach to fashion. Let the clothes speak for themselves.
Sometimes, less really is more.

But hey, that's just us. What do you guys think?


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

We Likey Wednesday

Today, Lauren was featured over at a friend's blog that highlights Provo street style.
 Check it out over at Provo Modo! You'll find some pretty cool people and their outlook on style.
Girl Crush: Marion Cotillard
She's French, she's hot. Those eyes.
What else is there to say, really?

Boy Crush: Jon Hamm
He's really nice to look at on Mad Men. 
And we can never turn down a man in a suit...
Or a man who does this. 
And still looks good doing it. 

Flava of the Week: Blue Lemon

We've been wanting to try this place for awhile now and last weekend we finally did. The food is delicious, fresh, and organic, and the restaurant itself is modern and chic. If you're looking for some good eats, go to Blue Lemon!

We Want: Statement Skirts
Skirts are just the perfect summer staple. You just feel so free, if you know what we mean. We're especially loving all these bold printed skirts we're seeing on the runway. Pair them with a simple t-shirt, and you're good to go. 
Oh, and there's this one.
yeah that's a skirt with cats on it.

Tunes: Beach House, "Myth"
We're posting this dreamy little gem to celebrate the launch of the new Beach House album, Bloom.
And because they're kicking off the Twilight Concert Series this year. We're peeing ourselves.

Funnies: Bromance
The other day, the guy at Subway told us to watch this video after realizing that we are in a female version of a bromance. We're not sure what the proper terminology is for that yet. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sponsor Love: Amy and the City

Hey guys! Today we have a little Q&A from one of our sponsors, Amy from Amy and the City. You'll like Amy if you're into cute girls with glasses who pull off red lipstick like no other. So without further adieu....
See! We're not the only ones with an Olsen obsession! And we totally understand the whole colored jeans thing. It's like an addiction.

Go get to know Amy over at Amy and the City!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Holla At Us

dress: anthro, necklace: hm, shoes: uo, bracelet: jcrew
dress: rebecca taylor via ebay, shoes: betsey johnson via nordstrom rack

Hey guys!! Happy Monday!

We hope everyone had an awesome weekend and gave their mamas some love.
Today we have a special request for you.

So we've been thinking lately. We've been blogging for a nice little while now, and we've gained a nice little readership. But for the past year, we've pretty much been doing whatever we want, which is nice. But we want to make sure you guys are still happy too. 

So our question to you is what do you want to see more of/less of on the blog?
More outfits? Less of our faces? More stories? More vlogs? Less vlogs (probably)?

You tell us! We want to know. And be honest too!
We can totally handle it.... right?


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